Team Matchmaking

If you are a member or wish to join Team Matchmaking, you will find all the necessary documents on this intranet page.

"Team Matchmaking" facilitates investments and donations for projects selected by OVO. In addition, the team seeks funds and sponsorship for its operation and increases OVO's brand awareness among Belgian companies and the general public. There are 2 cells: 

  • The Marketing cell is committed to raising awareness of OVO and SusTech4Africa. 
  • The Sales cell is responsible for managing a network of funding sources for OVO's operations and projects. 


As a volunteer for team Matchmaking, we would also like to introduce you to the use of our CRM system 'Procurios'.

To do so, go to the training page on Procurios.

Promotiemateriaal + andere docum

Are you a valued volunteer in team matchmaking?

Here you can find the vademecum to guide you through our team. ENG

And here are some materials that can be uses to support the sales:

  • OVO Powerpoint Presentation ENG
  • Sales portfolio
  • OVO folder (print)  ENG
  • OVO folder (digital) ENG
  • OVO advantages membership ENG 
  • Impact sheet 2023  ENG
  • OVO Acceleration Fund folder ENG
  • OVO Acceleration Fund presentation  ENG
  • yearly reports 
  • Folder recruitment volunteers for team Matchmaking ENG
  • OVO presentation video ENG

Documents like the sales funnel, you can find on the sharepoint

Didn't find what you were looking for?

A question about a project or our operations? You wish to work with us? Become a volunteer? Take a look at our frequently asked questions or ask us your question without any obligation.