VIA Don Bosco helps young people without a home, away from their difficult situation and through vocational training towards a better future in Congo Mbuji-Mayi.
VIA Don Bosco helps young people without a home, away from their difficult situation and through vocational training towards a better future in Congo Mbuji-Mayi.
- Better access for young people to vocational education
- Offer internships to students and guide them towards a job or their own business after studies
- Developing school enterprises in our schools
A dignified job or owning your own business: several paths lead to this goal. Better access to vocational education, offering an internship and guidance to a new job. This is how vulnerable young people get a better future.
We reach 2250 students of which 65% are girls during the 5-year project with our 2 vocational schools (Mazzarello & Anuarite). In addition, we have close cooperation with an employment agency who also accompany the young people after their studies to work or start their own business. Indirectly this helps 11250 people in their area to a better future.