Our network

OVO can count on an extensive network of volunteers, entrepreneurs, partners and governments, among others. Those who support sustainable entrepreneurship with us also join that network. We bring organizations and companies into contact with each other to encourage cross-pollinations.


Would you also like to contribute to our operation and be part of the Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs network? Do not hesitate and contact karen@ovo.be to discuss cooperation opportunities. 

Staff & volunteers

Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to making OVO run smoothly. From mentoring African entrepreneurs to communicating our mission to sponsors.

OVO can count on the cooperation of 8.6 full-time equivalent staff (3.9 in Belgium/4.7 in Africa) and more than 140 volunteers. 

Entrepreneurs in Africa

Every year we launch coaching and financing for dozens of African businesses. In the beginning a project is coached by OVO's Belgian volunteers, but in time the entrepreneurs have to coach each other. This happens in the OVO entrepreneurs' club of the country in which they are active (Belgium, Uganda, Rwanda, Senegal and Benin).


The entrepreneurs often have the same problems and face the same challenges. Those who find a solution can share it with the others through the club. In addition, the club also provides its members with opportunities. Members actively set up collaborations between different projects in order to act on the entire value chain.


Through long-standing partnerships, we encourage knowledge sharing and exchange. 

Our core members are companies that support the efforts of OVO to a significant degree. They are also represented in our Board. 

Our sponsors are companies that substantially support the operation of OVO and the organisation of our SusTech4Africa campaigns.

Professional federations

Viafonds is the social fund of the Belgian food industry federation Fevia. All companies in the food industry that make donations to OVO can claim additional leverage for their donation.


As a training fund and thus joint network organisation in the chemical, plastics and life sciences sector, Co-valent supports projects on international solidarity through OVO. 

NGO members

OVO cooperates with five NGOs recognised by the Belgian authorities. They are also represented in the association's governing bodies. Our NGO members work closely with local partners in the countries where they are present and have an extensive network and knowledge of the local context. Thus, they work - from their broad local integration - to improve local living conditions, with a focus on local entrepreneurship or basic conditions to enable local entrepreneurship. They must themselves contribute at least 20% of their necessary programme budgets: in this, OVO contributes.

The NGOs selected by OVO also contribute a number of projects to our SusTech4Africa campaigns. In this way, OVO makes the bridge between entrepreneurship-oriented NGO programmes and concrete business projects with social and sustainable impact.

Training organizations

We work closely with various training organizations to teach African entrepreneurs the essential entrepreneurial skills. From drawing up a financial business plan to sustainable entrepreneurship.

Donors, impact angels, companies and professional federations

Dozens of donors, impact angels, companies and professional federations donate resources so that we can accompany and fund promising projects in Africa with OVO. They do this in various ways: from structural sponsorship over annual gifts to loans for African enterprises.Conversely, they can act as coaches or experts for African enterprises.

Our in-kind sponsors are companies that provide advice and assistance to OVO. 

Our members are companies and enterprising people who make OVO's operations possible. 

  • 16M
  • A.T.L. - RENTING
  • B.P.A.
  • Basf Antwerpen
  • Brouwerij Der Trappisten Van Westmalle
  • Confederatie Bouw Limburg vzw
  • Cordeel Zetel Temse
  • Denys
  • Eagle
  • Energia Pharma International
  • Essenscia
  • Fedustria
  • Miko Coffee Service


  • POM Limburg
  • Salar vzw
  • Simbiosis.life
  • Sioen Industries
  • Smulders Group
  • Soudal
  • Special Fruit
  • Technopolis
  • Travvant
  • Waterland Private Equity
  • Willemen Groep

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