Discover our new project portfolio (and the 3 mayor changes)

Published: 07/03/2022

The overview contains 18 projects, all of which meet these three conditions.

1. Focus on Africa

For the first time our project portfolio only includes projects in Africa. More than that: we focus specifically on the countries where we also organize our Sustainable Technology for Africa campaigns: Uganda, Rwanda, Senegal and Benin.

This way, we focus our energy on further building solid partnerships in locations where we are present ourselves, rather than fragmented connections worldwide.

2. Structural impact

Projects that run for three years or more are the rule rather than the exception in our new project portfolio. The reason: we want to achieve a long-term impact. Long-term initiatives usually aim for structural change by focusing on infrastructure, training and self-reliance.

3. Full steam ahead for entrepreneurship

More than ever, the focus is on entrepreneurship. After all, it is the motor for more opportunities. Each project then stimulates local entrepreneurship, whether or not in the broad sense of the word: higher income and employment, more and better targeted education and new opportunities for families and communities.


Please find here all initiatives of the renewed project portfolio.

Introduction preview website

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