General Assembly

Published: 25/05/2023

Tuesday June 20 2023 at 18.00 @ UMICORE

Broekstraat 31, 1000 Brussels

(parking Pacheco) 



  • 18.00 - 19.00 Statutory part (for GA members only)
  • 19.00 - 19.45 Reception (welcome to all)
  • 19.45 - 21:45 Public part (welcome to all)

Björn Macauter: General Manager OVO gives us an update on the changes in our organisation. OVO is preparing to scale up.

Franc Kamugyisha, Ugandan entrepreneur supported by OVO, will be in Belgium. An exciting story to listen to.

Diane Delava will give us a talk entitled "The impact of our money".


Registration via this link

Presentation of Franc Kamugyisha:

Franc Kamugyisha, a construction and business graduate, left his university job at the age of 26 to go and collect waste. In 2020 he launched Ecoplastile - a social technology enterprise in the urban waste management sector - to reduce plastic pollution while creating opportunities for marginalised communities. Ecoplastile promotes recycling and transforms plastic waste into sustainable building materials. It has also developed an innovative micro-waste management programme for low-income households, using plastic waste as currency for medical services.

Presentation of Diane Delava:

A TedX speaker and former entrepreneur in the field of sustainable finance for retail clients, Diane now works at Impact Finance Belgium. Passionate about the role of finance in the transition to a more sustainable society, Diane focuses on how institutional investors can be change agents and increasingly invest in impact. Diane has also been selected to be part of the new group of Belgian change agents "Belgium's 40 under 40".

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