Team Event

Our events team can use reinforcement in the development, conception and organization of events. If you prefer to work behind the scenes, your help is also welcome. 

For 37 years I was a freelance ‘innovation and creativity coach’ for companies and organisations such as Nestlé, Toyota, Danone, Johnson & Johnson, BNP Paribas Fortis, VRT, DPG media and Het Financieele Dagblad. As a happy retiree I can look back on a nice career. Now I want to give back to the community and put my knowhow to good use as a volunteer at OVO. OVO is a beautiful organisation where volunteers can commit themselves in many ways. I only recently became a volunteer at OVO and act on a project basis. Through my professional expertise I want to hand colleague-volunteers tools to stimulate the creativity with African entrepreneurs. A second contribution is to organise creative brainstorms in situations in search of original solutions.

Marcus Geers


Team Sales
Team Sales
Team Com
Team Com
Team Coaching
Team Coaching

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